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How to drain a chicken with water belly.

How to drain a chicken with water belly. I noticed my chicken, Tiddly had started to breathe quite fast lying down. Her tail was bobbing and I discovered from the internet that this is not a good sign. Chickens tails start to bob when there is some sort of inflammation or swelling inside them. They dont have cavities like us separating their internal organs so if there is pressure somewhere inside them it pushes on all their other organs including their heart and lungs. After 3 weeks of her breathing getting faster and faster, I totally panicked and I found a vet that specialised in exotic aniamls. The first time I took her, the vet didn't syring that much liquid from her and her breathing pretty much stayed the same. I took her back 2 weeks later and this time she was brilliant and she syringed 880ml from my chicken's belly and put her on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. I am not too keen on pharmaceuticals but I see a place for them in emergencies now. I think w Her breathing went from 60 breaths per minute to 17 breaths per minute immediately. It took her about a week to start perking up. Whilst she was at the ver the vet checked her internally and said she could feel a hard nodule and her prognosis was that chickens often get probelms with their ovaries because of all the laying that they do, a bit like a woman haveing child after child with no break. THings start to drop and get saggy eventually and this can result n tumours amongst ther things. Tiddly was a bit spaced out when she got back. She looked a little hunched up and I wasnt sure if she would imrove but gradually she did.. After her course of antibiotics I gave her 5 days of chicken vitamins to boost her system. Fortunately she started eating a lot immediately so within a few weeks she was looking normal again and in 4 weeks she was back to normal. I started her on mineral salts after her anti-biotics. These work slowly to correct imbalances, in the same way as it takes a while for your body to rebuild itself after illness. When animals or birds are ill they drink a lot of water and Tiddly was drinking a lot of water before her belly was syringed and afterwards so I included a cell salt for water balancing for her. and This is the combination I gave to her and am still giving her two months later: Calc Fluor 6x - for hard tumours Nat Mur 6x - to balance water in cells, for excessive thirst, odema Nat Sulph 6x - eliminates toxins through urine Cal Sulph 6x - blood purifier Calc Phos 6x - anaemia (her crest/comb looked pale) Crush one tablet of each in with 1 ml of water and give 0.5ml in the morning and 0.5ml in the afternoon for at least a month. If there is a tumour then give Calc Fluor for at least 4 months. You gan give twice per day at 0.5 ml at a time (about half a tablet in water) and then after about two months you can give 0.5ml once per day. Use your intuition as to what feels right... I have swapped calc sulph for kali sulph now...I will explain in the next video! Email me at
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We are so proud to show you this! RSM and RSD have added some solutions to keeping their backyard chicken coop cool during the hot Texas summers (which have already started!). See some simple ideas and the big deal: a solar fan build. Get lots of tips and learn strategies, as well as what to look for, to keep your flock from getting too hot. RSM has lots of other videos about how to keep your chickens cool so please subscribe and check out the channel! Because we don't get our products for free, we're happy to share our affiliate links (no extra cost to you but we do get a small percentage, so thanks!) Solar panel kit: Battery: Thermostat: Fan: La Crosse Wireless Digital Forecast:
Ventilation and Solar Fan Build for a Backyard Chicken Coop

Ventilation and Solar Fan Build for a Backyard Chicken Coop

If you try to do this you will be taking on a huge responsibility and the risk of hurting the chick. DO NOT do this if you are not comfortable and do not do this to help a healthy bird. Like the clothes I am wearing in my videos? Animal Print & Cottagecore Clothing click this link Chicken Coop Video Buy Chicken Coop Follow me on Instagram! Join me on TikTok I’m on Facebook & Twitter too My website with more animal information Don’t forget to get your raw fed dog an allergy test! Info here Buy a test for you or your pet here and be sure to use "HappyTails10" for 10% off your entire purchase! Video About Affordable Testing Thank you for watching my videos! This channel is dedicated to animal education and improving the lives of captive animals. Here’s little about me! My name is Meghan Arriola and I live in Texas with my husband Jaime, where I dedicate my time to taking care of exotic and domesticated animals on my farm. We run a rescue and sanctuary for animals like alpacas, birds and reptiles. I do animal education presentations for groups and schools. Our alpacas also do events where we are able to teach people about these unique animals. I have used service dogs for medical needs for over 10 years and I am an advocate for assistance animals and mental health awareness. I am an animal educator that brings science related ideas to an audience from around the world by presenting fun and interesting topics in a family friendly way. Animals touch our lives in unique ways everyday as simply being our pets and companions, but how can we make their lives equally as special now that they live in captivity? My YouTube channel and blog explore ways to meet this goal by tackling things like animal behavior, human-animal relationships and veterinary medicine. Animal science is a great way to teach people of all ages that education is fun and nerdy is cool. My previous animal related work experience includes working in veterinary clinics, private zoos, training horses and volunteer work in wildlife rehabilitation, rescue/foster/adoption programs and therapeutic horsemanship for children with disabilities. When I am not working with animals, I am working at the health care clinic owned by my husband Jaime and I, where we provide services to low income, minority neighborhoods. We have been on the frontlines fighting covid19. I also have a passion for art and I am an award winning painter and photographer and published author. I am naturally very introverted but I am extroverted about sharing my passions and doing my part to make the world a better place! Want to follow Jaime as well? Click the links down below.
Chicken Coop Build - Now Complete [pt2]

Chicken Coop Build - Now Complete [pt2]

We helped Josh's wife make a DIY Greenhouse with help from Lowe's. It was a fun & challenging build, but Lowe’s is the perfect partner to help you finish your fall projects and get back to enjoying what matters. Look below for everything we used in this project! TOOLS & SUPPLIES (affiliate links): Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheets: Brown Engineered Panel Siding: Tuftex 6mm H Channel: National Hardware Spring Hinges: Kreg Accu-Cut: 30 Seconds Outdoor Cleaner: Bostitch Framing Nailer: DeWalt 20-volt Circular Saw: DeWalt 20-volt Jigsaw: DeWalt Drill & Driver Combo: DeWalt Miter Saw: Union Washer Wood Screws: Keter Shelving Unit: Accord Ventilation Register: AcuRite Digital Thermometer: MUSIC: Josh's wife is really into gardening and planting beautiful greenery leading to her desire for a greenhouse. This way, she can keep her plants alive during the winter months and incubate some new plants so they're ready for the spring. Josh began the design with a 3d model in Fusion 360. We got our bill of materials and the cut list then headed to our local Lowe's to get the supplies to begin framing the structure. I chose to use pressure treated lumber for this exterior addition to resist the moisture and humidity that may build up inside the greenhouse. Using Josh's measurements, we nailed together the floor and added the front and back wall studs. Before adding a structure to your yard, you may chose to grate and level the area beforehand. Josh didn't want to tear up the yard, and here in Kentucky, the clay is super hard. In lieu of digging into the ground to level it, we chose to level the floor frame by adding 2x4 posts semi-driven into the ground. This way, Josh and i could level the floor and nail it to those posts along the span of the greenhouse. Now that we had a level surface to work from, we continued to build out the frame by connecting the front and back studs and then connecting those two walls with some ceiling joists. For the greenhouse floor, Josh wanted something that could resist any standing water that would fall down from the plants. We found some engineered siding panels at Lowe's that are weather-resistant and come in large, 4' x 8' sheets. These panels are only 3/8" thick, so we added another layer of pressure treated 1/2" plywood to ensure the floor was strong enough to walk on. We fit three of these double-layered panels on top of the floor frame, making sure to cut around the wall studs and secured them with screws. For the greenhouse's exterior, it is possible to simply cover the bare frame with the clear polycarbonate sheets, but because of this greenhouse's size, that would take more than the 10 panels we allotted for this project. We had to order the sheets from and the came in a pack of 10. So rather than sacrificing the size of the greenhouse, Josh got creative and added a decorative element to the outside that helped use less polycarbonate. We decided to use the cutoffs of the engineered, exterior sheeting to make a skirting of wood panels that wrapped around the greenhouse. To cover any seams and to give the element some definition, Josh cut up some 1x4 trim pieces that really set the decorative element apart. It looked really nice and flowed super well with the overall design. Again, these step is optional, but it does look fantastic and it helps save on the more expensive material later. At this point in the project, we have a nice looking frame of a greenhouse. To make it functional as a greenhouse, we need a way to trap the radiant heat from the sun inside the structure. We found many ways to do this from using reclaimed windows, rolls of plastic tarp pulled tight, glass panes, and sheets of acrylic. Read more at : #greenhouse #diy #how-to Subscribe: Check out my TopVideos!: Learn 3d modeling, get digital plans, and cool merch at Want to support ILTMS? Get exclusive content and more... FOLLOW: #ILikeToMakeStuff How to Make a DIY Greenhouse | I Like To Make Stuff I Like To Make Stuff
Helping Eggs Hatch | How To Save the Chick

Helping Eggs Hatch | How To Save the Chick

Purchase GrubTerra black soldier fly larvae with the code SUNSHINE10 you get a discount! Affiliate link to get your GrubTerra black soldier fly larvae or use they use their legs and wings to line up where they want to chip away at the shell. It ends up being a line running from one side to the other, hence being called a “zip”. the timeframe from pip to zip is typically around 24 hours Rare Lavender-Self Blue Old English Game Bantam Chicken making peeping sounds from inside the egg and hatching ❤️ Raising Chickens Series Playlist:💜 Do not lend assistance unless a shell has been pipped. A chick that is too poorly developed or too weak to pip is not likely to survive. If it pips the shell but does not start cutting a circle around the shell within 12 hours, gently chip the shell from around the pip hole. If you see blood, stop and wait a few hours to avoid hemorrhage. If the shell membrane dries out (changes from translucent white to parchment tan) gently moisten it. Do not drip water into the pip, as the baby’s beak is right there and you don’t want to run the risk of drowning the bird. And remember, if you keep opening the incubator to see what’s going on, you contribute to the problem by reducing the humidity. Holistic items such as herbs, probiotics, and colloidal silver work together to optimize the health of your flock. Symptoms are: messy fluff around the vent yellowish, foamy diarrhea bloody droppings ruffled feathers poor appetite lethargy standing alone with closed eyes weight loss due to inability to absorb nutrients in food eventual death DIY Colloidal Silver 🐔 Welcome to Sunshine Country!❤️ If you want to feed the chickens or contribute to medical supplies for rescued chickens, thank you so much! Any amount helps! ❤️ Chicken Keeping Quick Tips: Hatching Eggs & Raising Chickens Series Playlist DIY Healthy Happy Hens Playlist Lavender Ameraucanas ❤️💜 What is your favorite chicken breed? What breed would you like to see us add to our flock next?? 🐓🌺 Leave a comment! 🌞🐓🌺 Subscribe and hit the bell so you get notifications🐔🌞 Disclaimer Notice: The content of the Welcome to Sunshine Country Chickens YouTube Channel, website, blog, vlog, and all social media is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Dependence on any information appearing on the Sunshine Country Chickens YouTube Channel, website, blog, vlog, and social media sites is entirely at your own risk. Please do your own research and make your own informed decisions regarding the health of your chickens. Contact me Facebook: Instagram: If you want to feed the chickens: For questions Email me at:$SunshineCountryChick
Silkies CoParenting

Silkies CoParenting

It's spring!! A time of the year when you might be thinking of introducing new birds to your flock. This week #AskPhill looks at our top tips to help make the process as painless as possible for you and your flock. For more details, visit our blog: and for Hints & Tips about adding new hens to a flock: 00:31 Why should I introduce new birds to my flock? 00:52 How many birds should I add to my flock? 01:35 Does it matter what type of new chickens I introduce? 01:56 When is the best time to introduce new birds to the flock? 02:37 Make sure your new chickens have access to food and water 03:05 My new chickens are being chased by the old hens! Help! 03:56 Distraction techniques and top tips for introducing new chickens 04:19 What can I do to stop my chickens from fighting? 05:08 How to stop my chicken from being bullied? 05:46 One of my chickens is bullying the new chickens 06:06 The benefits of introducing a cockerel to the flock 07:04 #AskPhill - How to contact Flyte So Fancy Follow, Subscribe, or Find us at: Website - Facebook - Instagram - YouTube Channel - Blog - Pinterest - #chicks #chickens #poultry #chickenhealth Who we are: If you are looking for premium Chicken Coops and Pet Houses – made in the UK - look no further than Flyte so Fancy! We've been designing and building high-quality homes for our feathered and furry friends since 2001. With our online store and nationwide delivery, ordering from us has never been easier. Visit our website Information Centre for tons of hints and tips about chicken keeping or watch our YouTube Channel’s Ask Phill series of helpful videos. Our expertise in all things chicken-related is learned from decades of experience. If you're in the Dorset area on the south coast of England, why not come visit our retail shop and workshop? We'd love to show you around and help you find the perfect home for your pets. At Flyte so Fancy, we're passionate about making happy homes for happy animals! * We are not affiliated with or sponsored by any other manufacturer or supplier.
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